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Irish People Try Cocktail Drafting

Cocktail Drafting is a classic American pastime that I just thought of. Tryers will be paired up, and each pair will be presented with 6 bottles of liquid: 4 are alcoholic, 2 are not. Without opening them, they will take turns picking until they each have 3. Those 3 liquids will be combined to make a cocktail that tryer must drink. Or, for a twist – they swap drinks first. This feature requires Martin.


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Irish people try cyder cocktails.

Try four cocktails and show how they are made. The common ingredient is cyder. Use Irish cyder. Explain to your American audience that before they banned alcohol in 1919 cyder was something that people on the farm would make to drink. Get M.C. To say this, as she is a farm girl. If you wanted a road trip then go to an orchard and film there getting some samples.


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Irish People Try Layered Cocktails (Pousse-café)

Let’s have the cast members try their hands at layered cocktails, sometimes called pousse-café. They can work together in pairs to make and taste cocktails with increasing difficulty.

Start with something simple like a Black and Tan (two layers):

Next is the ever popular B-52 Shot (three layers):

Add a four layered cocktail if you dare.

And for the final cocktail, let’s invite Giovanni Viscardi in to make a classic Pousse-

Have lots of paper towels ready for this episode.