I was thinking of beers and bowling, and a simple search led me to this awesome sport! I know logistics can be a challenge for this one. 🙂
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I was thinking of beers and bowling, and a simple search led me to this awesome sport! I know logistics can be a challenge for this one. 🙂
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Love you guys, so informative (educational LOL), so Funny (emtertaining) and so what’s next?
How about a Tour de Irish pubs and TRY their most favorite drinks.
Give a little history and local area information would be nice.
Looking forward to watching this. Hi to Callyann 🙂
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Okay let’s make this more reasonable! Take these six (Justine S, Clisare, Lolsy, Leather Jacket Guy, Dermott and Irish Jesus) and give them all very weird combos of Poutine! Find the weirdest flavours ever and try it!
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What about eating cans of mushy liver and fat! Yum! Should bring on some fun reactions.
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Invite some Americans to Ireland to try some of your strongest drinks. The difference in the two cultures could make for some funny comparisons in the reactions.
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Mochi ice cream is a small, round confection consisting of a soft, pounded sticky rice dumpling (mochi) formed around an ice cream filling. The ice cream flavors the confection while the mochi adds sweetness and texture.
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Get your GAINZ! There are so many health bars on the market, some are great, some taste like cardboard which should allow for a wide range of reactions. Some bars even have peanut butter! There are a wide variety of flavors and brands, such as Quest, Clif Bars, Pure Protein, Whey Protein bars, etc.
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Bob Ross is an artist and teacher famous for his relaxing voice and laid back style, assuring us that “There are no mistakes, just happy accidents!” Let’s see the Try gang paint some happy trees with him!
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If the fish aren’t biting our Irish people won’t be happy campers on empty stomachs. Let’s have them try some of the large variety of dehydrated or freeze dried backpacking foods:
Yum, just like homemade!
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Those ardent Irish outdoorsmen and women are keen to show us what it takes to conquer the great outdoors. Off they go into the wilderness to camp, fish and finally experience what a real s’more is like (https://whatscookingamerica.net/Cookie/Smores/Smores.htm).
They’ll show us how to pitch a tent, hang a hammock and setup a campfire.
Then it’s off to the lake to catch dinner. It’s time to bait the hook and reel them in.
(Advice from the Big Bang Theory Season 6, Episode 10:
Leonard: I’m no expert, but I think the hook has to go through the worm.
Howard: Fine. Sorry, Mr. Worm. Sherm. Sherm the Worm.
Penny: Hey, don’t name him. Just jab a hook in his face.)
Of course the fish then need to be cleaned.
Finally, the evening comes and it’s time for the campfire. The fish is cooked, the s’mores are roasted and the late night spirits are uncorked. Ghost stories anyone?
(Probably multiple episodes)